Thursday, July 17, 2008


Well, this is something I haven't done in a while. The last time I blogged here, spring was just starting in Nashville and now we are in the thick of the hot, sticky summertime. Much has happened, including my first trip out of the country on a mission trip to Jamaica. That was two weeks ago... and I kinda haven't been the same since. You always hear that a mission trip change a person but you don't really know until it happens to you. And I'm sure every experience is different. For me, it was being up on my feet in the blazing sun working with my hands during the day and fellowshiping with new and fun people at night without any TV, cell phone or computer. It was being closer to God and nature and feeling like I was making a difference in a very small and insignificant way. It was refreshing to say the least. And it was serving... I don't really feel like I serve at work. Or rather, I feel like people expect me to serve them at work instead of really appreciating what I do. I guess we all get that way in the day to day. Ha, that rhymed. But to come back and feel tugged in a million different directions from people who have no idea what happened down there or how it affected me... well, it was kind of like deflating a bright and shiny balloon slowly with a sharp needle.

More about the trip later, but I just wanted to share those initial thoughts.

1 comment:

X said...

welcome back, heed. can't wait to hear more. guard that balloon.