Monday, December 04, 2006

monday, monday

i promise i won't do this everyday, but you know how it is when you have a new toy and you just want to play with it? so here i am.

insomnia pretty much held on throughout the night on and off... during a brief moment of sleep i dreamed that i was in CA on a camping trip... we were camping out on the edge of cliff. i slept right on the edge all night kind of scared that i would fall off. my fellow campers didn't seem to think this would be a problem. when the sun came out in the morning, water had risen almost all the way to the edge of the cliff so the "drop off" had actually turned into a lake. i could now dangle my feet off of what used to be the edge of the cliff and dip my toes in the cool water. my friends, once again, felt this was perfectly normal AND they had a boat prepared for just such an occurence. they started up the boat, i hopped in and we rode off and that was it. the boat was blue and plastic.

i am not so much bothered by the lack of sleep, or the odd dreams in between as i am by the fact that my hands have been chapped all day and it hurts! yes, chapped. it is bitter bitter cold, at least for Tennessee and i want to roast marshmellows by a fire, dang it! but alas, i am home in my fireplaceless apartment with chapped hands, no marshmellows and and and... that's all i got.

i promise i won't waste your time next time.

1 comment:

kellieja said...

You can do this everyday if you want. I am into reading the blogs. I have a few select ones that I read everyday so keep posting.