Wednesday, March 28, 2007

two weeks

in two weeks I’ll be flying out Los Angeles for the first time. I need this trip like no other. I woke up this morning and heard the rain gently falling outside. it was the kind of spring rain that instantly makes everything greener and as much as I love the sunshine, days like this bring a necessary quiet to my often restless mind. the past few weeks have required me to shift my thoughts around inside. people once highly regarded have become… well, a disappointment. and others have risen above all expectation. I’ve learned that there is a time when it’s right to be angry – not an anger that fuels you into vengeance like so many people are apt, but rather an anger that fuels you into letting go and finding joy beyond the pain. this kind of joy is the greatest because it is not given to me on a silver platter, I have to work to find it and that makes it so much sweeter to me. this rain… it brightens the bloom outside, dark as it may seem overhead. we are given this world to prove God’s love and make us stronger in knowing that He works everything for the good of those who love Him.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

yay for rainy spring days! i just wish i was working somewhere with a window and a view to some grass and lots of trees.