Tuesday, March 13, 2007

things to do

i've decided to rebuild my CD collection. about two years ago, i made the very bold decision to begin living on a cash only basis. i was successful... however, the transition period was a little rocky at first and my CD/DVD/VHS collections took the biggest hit. whenever i would feel my bank account dwindling down and still several days until payday, i would have a "media purge" for some extra cash. thanks to iTunes, this didn't affect my music collection too much, but i still miss having a library of sorts of my favorite things and gosh darnit, i will have that again... and so i begin.

let me add... that my Lenten sacrifices have given way to much more creativity lately. the more i stay away from myspace, the more i read, draw, write and frolic... frolicking being my absolute fave. i'm also spending a great deal of time thinking of more words to abreve. it will sound like a whole new language (or lang) by the time we're done with it. i think my IQ just went up. hmmm... yeah, it did.

1 comment:

Marjorie said...

That is a great thing to have on the to-do list. I just unpacked boxes that I had in storage and found my old CD's. It was like Christmas and it was actually pretty funny to see the stuff that I had!